You have reached the ATLANTA DITC official web site. Here we hope to inspire true passion in those striving to continue the legacy of the Atlanta 1996 Centennial Olympic Games.
Since 2002, 1855 athletes from 35 nations have competed and trained with the ATLANTA DITC.
The ATLANTA DITC is a Member of the World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC) and represents the City of Atlanta at the WUOC.
- Future Olympic Host Cities:
- Candidate Cities:
- Annecy, France 2018
- Munich, Germany 2018
- PyeongChang, South Korea 2018

LIFE University
Signs Agreement with ATLANTA 1996 and FICS
Marietta, Georgia (USA), Atlanta (USA), Toronto (Canada) (May 20, 2015)
Today, LIFE University President, Dr. Guy F. RIEKEMAN signed a 4 year (2016-2020) partnership agreement with the ATLANTA 1996 and FICS (Fédération Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport/International Federation of Sports Chiropractic).

DITC & 1st International Symposium on Athletics in Africa
Rabat, Morocco (October 28 - 29, 2006)
Two presentations were given by the DITC during the symposium: 1. Together Atlanta's DITC & African Athletics Confederation (AAC) Providing Education and Training to Elite African Athletes in Preparation of the Olympic Games, and 2. Africa and the Annual DeKalb International Prep Classic. A message from CEO Vernon JONES and Ambassador Andrew YOUNG was played prior to the 2 DITC presentations.