We got up early to make sure we would have enough time to enjoy walking up and down the Great Wall at Mutianyu. We took a taxi from our flat to the Prince Jun Wang Fu Palace where our driver Mr. Lee would meet us at 8 a.m. to drive us to Mutianyu.  According to Lily, a friend of China National Women's Team Handball Coach LANG Zhengping, Mr. LEE would take us to the best part of the Great Wall.  At 7:50a.m. a black Honda Accord stopped next to us at the entrance to the Jun Palace. Two minutes from 8 a.m. my phone ran and I realized that it was the man in the Honda, Mr. LEE our driver calling me!  

Finally, when we get there it starts to rain. Not much, but just enough to get wet through in 20 minutes. Our friend LUO Yongrong suggests we get raincoats.  Those tight yellow, blue or pink plastic coats they would distribute on rainy days during the Games, but I prefer holding an umbrella that our driver Lee gets out of the boot of his Honda Accord.

For more information on the Great Wall at Mutianyu